وبلاگ نامرتب 5 ستونه

Use eWallets for international payments

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Out of the dozens of eWallet websites and apps, which one is right for you? Do you actually need aneWallet if your main thing transfer money abroad? We look at eWallets from across the web with a particular focus on…

Importance of Digital Marketing in Business

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Importance of Digital Marketing in Business has grown to a larger extent. It is promoting a Business using digital channels. For a Successful Business Digital Marketing plays an important role. Because a Businessman focuses on two main things- firstly the…

The benefits of accelerators in the startup world

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The well-advertised boom in startups and venture capital in recent years has coincided with the emergence of new players in startup ecosystems. One of these, startup accelerators, has received a great deal of attention but also little scrutiny. Moreover, they…

picture of the future cities of Wat

folder_openSmart City
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There are complex and wide-ranging challenges in most cities around the world that people face and can only be solved through a systematic approach. Due to the cities high population, there is a disorder and imbalance between traffic and urban…

New generation of promotional SMS

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Today the application-to-person SMS messaging services have evolved to include bulk SMS messaging alongside the sending of single messages (such as one time passwords and delivery notifications), interactive messaging (such as group messaging services), and incoming number services (such as…

Transformation in International Trade

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International trade is one of the hot industries of the new millennium. But it’s not new. Think Marco Polo. Think the great caravans of the biblical age with their cargoes of silks and spices. Think even further back to prehistoric…

Why do we need vas?

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Value Added Services (VAS) is a term used in telecommunications to describe add-on products and services to the basic core functions a telecommunications company provides. VAS is cleverly used by telcos to: Create demand for core services and as a…

Providing value-added services

folder_openinvestment, VAS
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Everything about mobile is appealing. With the continuous growth of the mobile market, most of the communication and advertising technologies concentrate around mobile devices. Targeting specific audiences becomes even simpler with the variety of channels mobile marketing incorporates. In spring…

How crowdfunding is transforming the economy?

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Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet. Crowdfunding is a form of crowdsourcing and alternative finance. In 2015, over US$34 billion…